Does everyone need to run? No. But are there some significant benefits of running? Yes. As a running coach and author, I’ve delved into the vast body of research to compile this comprehensive guide, shedding light on the profound impact that running can have on our health.
This is a physical activity that goes way beyond the body focused goal that it burns calories.
Not only will you learn an incredible amount about yourself, but you’ll learn really cool things like running is NOT BAD for your knees because it provides joint lubrication. And that active people have better mobility and joints than those hanging out on the couch talking about how bad it is for our knees.
I’m not here to just give you opinions about why we enjoy it as a certified running coach, but some data that says we aren’t crazy for doing it.
So let’s put this question to rest with some hard facts.
Is Running Good For You?
Yes. It’s an incredibly good form of regular exercise for the heart, lungs, muscles and joints.
A 2014 study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed just five to 10 minutes a day of low-intensity running could extend your life by years! Not days, years.
That was followed up in a 2017 study showing “25%-40% reduced risk of premature mortality and…