Injury. It’s a word we all dread having to use, but it seems that a lot of us are. New research found that a whopping 46% of recreational runners experience injury every year. The study revealed that knee troubles were the most common (accounting for 27% of the reported injuries), with Achilles and calf problems close behind (25%).
So, what if we become one of the 46%? The key is not to despair. Many of us feel pain and panic. We stop running, abandon our training plan, or even exercising full stop. It can leave us feeling dejected, unmotivated and frustrated. But if you approach it the right way, injury doesn’t have to be a roadblock – it can just be a diversion on your running journey. It could even lead to us becoming a better runner. We talk to the experts to find out what to do if we’re injured, how to recover as quickly as possible, and how we can prevent it happening in the first place…
Help! I have a running injury! What do I do?
1. Establish whether it’s a running injury or a niggle
First things first: we need to know if we are actually dealing with an injury. There are some injuries that are very obvious. If you’re ever suddenly in a lot of pain, either while running or after, then you need to stop running immediately and head on to our next…