We have already talked about the importance of the legs for swimmers. The driving force they provide is vital, particularly for those aiming to reach a fast pace during a sprint. This means it is crucial to allocate part of a training session to strengthening your lower limbs. Today we will be looking at three exercises to be performed at the poolside, in the water or both.
1. Squat & Sprint:
Place your feet at the edge of the pool with a board in your hands. This exercise involves a set of squats followed by a dive into the water and a 15 m or 25 m sprint.
Here is a reminder of how to perform a proper squat:
– Foot position: stand with your feet shoulders’ width apart or slightly wider.
– Back/spine: as you squat down and then back up make sure your spine remains in a neutral position.
– Do not lift your heels and make sure your push with heels and balls of your feet. A common mistake is to push with your toes only thereby lifting your heels.
– Knees: another common mistake is to bend your knees too far forwards while performing the exercise, placing too much strain on your knee joints. Move your hips back as if you were sitting down on an invisible chair, making sure your knees never extend beyond your toes.
– Always try and squat down…