29 Best Post Run Meals


For many people fantasies of a juicy burger on a pretzel bun topped with melted cheese and a fries dipped in a milk shake get them through the final 6.2 miles of a marathon, the post run meal dream is real.

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a little splurge, especially right after a race when your body NEEDS carbohydrates to kickstart the recovery process.

But after that meal the focus needs to come back to recovery and there are indeed best post run foods.

I say this because one of the first questions almost ANY runner asks is “how soon can I start running again?” And I cover this in-depth in the post marathon recovery plan, so today we’re adding to that by looking at how the foods we eat will improve not only our post race recovery, but our recovery throughout training!

A smart recovery nutrition plan will decrease inflammation, improve energy/mood and take you back into training without having packed on a few lbs from all those dreamy meals.

What Should You Eat After Running a Marathon?

What to eat after a run? What to eat after a marathon? What to eat after a long run?

These are some of the questions in my inbox frequently, so per normal I did some research to give you the best answers for the best marathon recovery foods to the best foods for runners.

After a…

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