Do you have any racecations on your calendar? If not, after reading this you might have several in the works! The best half marathons around the world are an incredible excuse to travel!! So, you’re welcome.
The half marathon is one of my favorite race distances, especially to pair with a trip. The training requires commitment, but isn’t as demanding as prepping for a marathon. If you’ve never done long distance races, it’s also not as daunting going from 10ks and 10-milers to the half marathon, as say the jump to 26.2
Another plus is in most cases, the half marathon won’t leave you as sore as a marathon might. This will come in handy on a racecation when you have so much more to do and see after your race.
Why Do A Racecation?
It’s easy to run all local races (and also a bit less expensive…ok, a lot less expensive), but it’s absolutely incredible to run in some place entirely new.
When I do races, I tend to travel. It’s like an added bonus to make training more exciting.
Running is a great way to explore a new place. And I love connecting with fellow runners, especially those I’ve come to know through my social channels.
Planning for racecations can take a little extra effort, but I promise it’s worth it. And once you see the races on this list, I have…