Looking or a Fall half marathon to test yourself? Potentially snag that new personal best. Good news, we’re going to help narrow down the list of possibilities!
The US has two big race seasons, spring and Fall. The Chicago Marathon and NYC marathon get a lot of the attention in the Fall, but oh boy are there some other super fun race experiences to be had.
Late September until Thanksgiving, means much of the US enjoying brisk, mild weather and the trees putting on their gorgeous autumn foliage, which all makes for a fantastic race day.
Did you know the perfect race temp is actually around 40 degrees?? That’s right, you’ll be able to run faster without your HR creeping up so quickly.
11 Fall US Half Marathons to Try
Some of these are bigger races, some are smaller, but we think all are going to give you something your looking for. Maybe you want to head out for the fastest possible course or maybe you just want to have a blast with your friends.
Take a look and let us know if there’s a race that needs to be added!
1. Beat the Blerch
Date: September 6, 2025
Location: Carnation, WA
Type: Loop
Profile: Uphill/Downhill
Boston Qualifier: Yes

This race was started by satire site The Oatmeal in 2014, and while encouraging running, it also…